Resources For Refugees & Asylees
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    We are continuing to add new resources and are working hard to translate them, so come back soon!
    If you are experiencing an emergency, whether you are facing homelessness, are a survivor of domestic violence, are contemplating suicide, or have other immediate safety concerns, the following resources will offer you assistance and guidance.
    Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project
    GLBT National Help Center
    National Coalition for the Homeless
    National Domestic Violence Hotline
    Pandora's Project - Support for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
    RAINN: Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
    Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)
    Suicide Prevention Lifeline
    The Network - Organizing to End Partner Abuse
  • New resources are in the works.
    We are continuing to add new resources and are working hard to translate them, so come back soon!

    Si tiene una emergencia, ya sea que esté a punto de quedarse sin morada, es superviviente de violencia doméstica, está contemplando el suicidio o por cualquier otro motivo le preocupa su seguridad inmediata, los siguientes recursos le ofrecen asistencia y orientación.

    La Red - Movilizando para acabar con el abuso de pareja
    Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Suicidio la prevención)- 1-888-628-9454
  • New resources are in the works.
    We are continuing to add new resources and are working hard to translate them, so come back soon!

    Si vous êtes en situation de crise, que vous vous retrouviez sans abri, soyez survivant d'une violence domestique, que vous contempliez le suicide ou que vous ayez un souci immédiat de sécurité, les ressources suivantes vous offriront leur aide et des conseils.

  • New resources are in the works.
    We are continuing to add new resources and are working hard to translate them, so come back soon!

    سوف تقدم لك الموارد التالية المساعدة والإرشاد؛ وذلك في حالة تعرضك لحالة طارئة، سواءً كنت تواجه مشكلة عدم وجود مأوى، أو كنت ناجياً من العنف المنزلي، أو تفكر في الانتحار، أو لديك مخاوف أخرى عاجلة تتعلق بالسلامة.